October 2023

Hi there! Welcome to my blog

I’m Hayley and I like to make cool warm things!

I make crochet blanket patterns on hookedwithhayley.com, have a crochet course and sell blankets locally. I’m a mum of 5 (4 boys and 1 girl) and have been crocheting and knitting for years.

I’m going to break my blog up into 3 sections; Works in Progress (WIPs), Finished Items and New Things.


I’m back working on the granny square cardigan. I had it almost finished and then realised I’d made it too small, so had to frog and start again. Progress is slow but it’s definitely going to be worth it. I’m excited to try to use a C2C square on a cardigan to see how that will work too, so look out for that in the future.

The other project I’ve been working on is the Free Squares I’m started making for my mailing list and my Facebook Group. I’m working on building a library of squares (and maybe some rectangles too) that my followers can turn into a blanket (or whatever they want). Of course, I started with one of my favourite things – Pokémon. So, if you’re not part of my Facebook Group, you can join here and if you want to sign up for my mailing list you can do that here


Finished Items

After starting the Pants bag what feels like months ago, I finally managed to get that finished and I’m delighted with how it’s turned out. Just another 4 to go for the rest of the kids! (Photos will be on my social media soon)

I also managed to make a Hexagon Cardigan for Mimi, my youngest using all the left over bits of yarn from other projects. She’s going to wear it under her Halloween costume (because lets face it, whoever makes these costumes doesn’t seem to understand Peterhead weather haha)


After my Inner Circle Quarterly with Paul Mort I decided that my journal needed to be fancied up a bit. Don’t get me wrong, it looks great, but when there’s 2 journals in the house (one for me and one for PJ) it’s really easy to get them mixed up. So I made a Journal cover inspired by a cushion cover pattern I found online

A long time secret project I was working on also got finished this month or maybe last month – it was only when I went to write this blog post that I realised Id missed writing one last month *face palm*)

I’ve been working on and off on a portrait blanket for my mother in law for about 18 months and I got it finished this month!

My last finished project is this awesome (if I do say so myself) Duck tool holder. A few modifications to the Crochetasaurus Tool Holder and hey presto! A Duck! I use it for the remote control for the Fire Stick (which the kids have been leaving here there and everywhere so I can never find it when I actually get to choose what goes on the TV) Problem solved with the lack of buttons now, they all seem pretty good at remembering to put them back now they’ve got a random duck to put them in


In my last blog post I told you I’d put myself on a yarn buying ban, so no new things this month.

What I’ll do instead is share a little bit of my Project Wish List. These are all the projects that I’m hoping to get working on really soon. Of course, I have a duck project list with a few random ideas of ducks I can make (I actually have a bigger project in mind for all the duck makes but I’ll tell you about that later)

The next thing on the list is c2c square curtains for the kids bedrooms. Long story short they all want really random things in the their bedrooms so I figured the easiest way was to make them! And of course seeing if I can make c2c squares work on a cardigan

I’m also looking at making bigger versions of the pants bags for the kids bedrooms so they can use them as laundry baskets, which would be a great idea for using up yarn in my stash

If you have any ideas you think I should add to my Project Wish List let me know

That’s it for this time

See you in the next blog post



January 2024


August 2023